About This Special Issue
Towards the end of 2019 countries around the globe faced Covid-19 pandemics. In their efforts to adjust to new circumstances, organisations started to introduce major novelties in their business processes, ICT tools, and management style.
One of the direct consequences of Covid-19 pandemics was interruptions in supply chains. Companies were forced to introduce changes in their daily operations. Some companies introduced Aditive Manufacturing (AM) as an alternative production thus enabling the production of articles by computer-added design. Covid-19 pandemics caused changes in regular operations as well. Teleworking was one of the main modifications. Most companies found solutions through the introduction of hybrid offices. While it was important to reduce direct physical contacts, companies also considered other solutions, such as improved ventilation systems, ultraviolet lightning, moisture monitoring systems, and similar. The tourist sector was especially sensitive to the Covid-19 pandemics. According to some researchers, hotel managers introduced several interventions to cope with the pandemics such as: regular educations of employees about preventing the further spread of virus; changes in working hours and increasing the funds for market promotion. The special issue would invite authors to explore business modifications caused by pandemics.
The impossibility of physical contact gave impetus to ICT. Soon employees learned to use a variety of ICT tools. The healthcare sector was put under enormous pressure. While exploring the options for reducing the risk of exposure to viruses, some researchers concluded that the use of innovative IT-enabled mechanisms, such as non-contact monitoring devices, intelligent robots, and telemedicine can be beneficial. While sharing knowledge in time of crisis is critical, especially in healthcare sector, some researches indicated that instant messaging applications are viewed as common media for sharing tacit knowledge. Still, according to some findings, the widespread usage of ICT tools can easily become a major obstacle due to liberating or unliberated spread of disinformation. Special issue authors are invited to explore new ICT tools developed during the pandemics.
Change in working conditions led to change in employees’ mindsets. Top management support became crucial. Several authors concluded that diversity-oriented leadership supported by strategic internal communication can make a significant difference in time of crisis. Transformation leadership is commonly mentioned when discussing the optimal leadership style due to its characteristics: idealistic influence and intellectual stimulation of employees. The other stream of research claims that knowledge-oriented leadership can help employees to unite in their efforts to mitigate conflicts and contribute to innovations. Authors contributing to this special issue are invited to explore new management style(s) developed during the pandemics.
As can be seen, Covid-19 pandemics didn’t lead to solely negative consequences. Gathering insights from different companies would help provide concrete guidelines for future business.
This issue will accept research and professional papers, as well as preliminary research.
List of Topics:
- Post Covid-19 era
- Business processes
- Management style
- Business modifications
- Lessons learned